October 1, 2022

Setting Up the Workflow

My 2015 MacBook Air is giving out on me (specifically its R’ and E’ keys). I tried erasing the startup disk to no avail. Now I am waiting for a nifty new 14” MacBook Pro 💁‍♀️

These repeated fresh installs inspired me write down the steps for setting up my quantitative Sociology grad student work flow. I figure here is as good as anywhere to record everything.

Set Up R

  1. Install R
  2. Install R Studio

Set Up Word Processor

  1. Install Sublime Text
  2. Install Package Control from menu
  3. Quit Sublime Text, delete my /Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User folder, create a symlink pointing to my cloud folder I use to sync settings and packages1 across computers. (I learned how to create a cloud folder of Sublime settings and packages from Yashu Mittal over here.)

Setting Up the Rest

  1. Install Firefox
  2. Install Things to-do list app by Cultured Code.

  1. AcademicMarkdown, Citer, FullScreenStatus, LiveReload, MarkdownEditing, MarkdownPreview, Open URL, Package Control, PackageResourceViewer, Pandoc, SideBarEnhancements, SublimeLinter, SublimeLinter-contrib-write-good, Theme - Gravity, Typewriter, WordCount, Writing Color Scheme↩︎

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